Snowflake Role-Based Access Control improved

Let us take a look at the RBAC considerations which are a part of Snowflake's official documentation.

sysadmin job description

To support the readers, I will utilize a few portions and outlines from the official site to clarify the subtleties. There are 5 system-defined jobs and Snowflake characterize what "role" every system role will perform and it is prescribed that clients hold fast to this.

  • ACCOUNT ADMIN: Account Administrator role which encapsulates the SYSADMIN and SECURITY ADMIN roles.
  • SECURITY ADMIN: Role that can monitor, and manage users and roles.
  • USER ADMIN: Role that creates roles and users.
  • SYS ADMIN: Role that has privileges to create warehouses and databases (and other objects) in an account. All Custom roles are expected to roll up to SYSADMIN.
  • PUBLIC: Role that is automatically granted to every user and every role in your account.

Aside from System roles, we can have Custom roles which can be created by SECURITY ADMIN and to be moved up to SYS ADMIN as a manual procedure.

From the Official Documentation

As a component of the official legacy portrayal, you can see that Snowflake allows every role to be allocated benefits directly and it can also have benefited by inheritance. In view of this specific thought, the hierarchical RBAC set up is extrapolated and is usually executed for a more extensive organizational structure.

Know more: What is the sysadmin job description?


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