Network Support Technician Salary

 What is the average compensation for occupations related to "network support technician?"

The average compensation for "network support technician" goes from around $15.78 per hour for Computer Technician to $25.96 per hour for Audio Visual Technician.

Compensation data originates from 22,526 information focuses gathered directly from workers, clients, and at various job ads on Indeed in the previous three years.

Please note that all compensation figures are approximations dependent on outsider entries to Indeed. These figures are given to the Indeed clients with the end goal of summed up examination as it were. The lowest pay may contrast by locality and you should consult the business for real compensation figures.

Pay Ranges for Network Support Technicians

network support tech salary

The pay rates of Network Support Technicians in the US range from $21,716 to $124,090, with median compensation of $62,913. The median 57% of Network Support Technicians makes somewhere in the range of $62,958 and $82,700, with the top 86% creation $124,090.

How much tax will you have to pay as a Network Support Technician?

For an individual filer in this tax section, you would have an expected average government tax in 2018 of 22%. After a government tax rate of 22% has been taken out, Network Support Technicians could hope to have a salary of $56,562/year, with each paycheck approaching roughly $2,357.


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