OEM Partnership Model

Visionaries Quadrant

AWS (various products)

Pros: Breadth and depth of cloud platform; performance and scalability; data labeling and human-in-the-loop capabilities

Cons: Lack of attention on citizen data scientists; a rapid rollout of products and maturity; maturity of on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud support

DataRobot Enterprise AI Platform

Pros: Sales strategy and execution; high-touch customer service; successful acquisitions.

Cons: Complexity of product portfolio; resource-heavy onboarding; capability gaps.

Google Cloud AI Platform

Pros: Responsible AI vision and capabilities; research contributions; cohesion and simplification of consolidated products.

Cons: Rapid pace of change; steep learning curve; lack of capabilities for on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud deployments.

KNIME Analytics Platform

Pros: Breadth and depth of DSML capabilities; commitment to open-source; visual workflow coherence.

Cons: Limitations in enterprise deployments; responsible AI vision; low market traction.

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

Pros: Strong support for enterprise DS; support for multiple personas; openness and partnerships.

Cons: Requirement of use of other Azure services; immaturity of on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud capabilities; lack of support for augmented DSML capabilities.

RapidMiner (various products)

Pros: Support for multiple personas; “clear vision and delivery of aligned features”; expandability and governance.

Cons: Growth rate; average advanced analytics capabilities; academic perception of a product.

H2O.ai (various products)

Pros: Vision for value creation; extensive automation; rich AI explainability features (XAI).

Cons: Lack of some data access and data prep features; OEM partner strategy; collaboration and cohesion.

Challengers Quadrant

Alteryx Analytics Process Automation

Pros: Support for multiple personas; product packaging and go-to-market strategy; customer support.

Cons: Changing product portfolio; high cost; lack of innovation.

Niche Players Quadrant

Alibaba Cloud’s Platform for AI (PAI) Studio and Data Science Workshop

Pros: Strong community in China; advanced use-case modeling; and seamless integration.

Cons: Focus on Asia; lack of product vision; narrow usage and focus on professional data scientists.

Altair Knowledge Studio and Knowledge Works

Pros: Ease of use; support for data pipelines; customer satisfaction

Cons: Functional gaps in the lineup; limited rollouts in some industries; relatively slow growth.

Anaconda Enterprise

Pros: Trusted and flexible platform; based on open source; culture of collaboration.

Cons: Focus on a technical audience; lack of model operationalization functions; runtime stability.

Cloudera Data Platform

Pros: Native Spark on Kubernetes; support for complex data workloads; metadata support for DataOps and MLOps.

Cons: No GUI for development; lack of coherence of products; domain-specific solutions.

Domino Data Lab Data Science Platform

Pros: Support for large, expert teams; mature MLOps capabilities; support for on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud.

Cons: Support for small, immature DS teams; low market visibility; open-source vision;

Samsung SDS Brightics AI

Pros: Comprehensive ecosystem vision; data access, prep, and visualization; ease of use and collaboration.

Cons: Limited adoption outside of Asia; gaps in product vision; limited capabilities in ModelOps and explainability.

This is indeed a great time to be in the data science and machine learning business. Whether you’re a user of these tools or helping to develop them, the rapid pace of innovation is not only exciting but good for business as a whole.


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