Apple Certified Repair Program

The problems service centers can encounter with Apple products as the apple certified repair program make repairing products more difficult.

Apple-certified service technician

Apple has very stringent guidelines in terms of facilities. For example, they require everything to be white, they require a reception area and any of the technical activities that go on to be in the backroom.

Board level repair is a specialty of Xiang’s store, as many devices require components on the motherboard to be replaced.

Apple doesn’t deal with board-level repairs, they just replace them.

Many of these components on a motherboard cannot be sold to third parties and have to either be pulled off of a doner device or the part needs to be replaced entirely. As well, the schematics required to trace issues on a motherboard are only available from third parties and are not made available by Apple.

The only way to get access to the parts necessary to repair these devices are to go through Apple’s Independent Repair Provider program but this can bring added problems for independent repair companies.

if you want everything with genuine official Apple parts, you’re essentially looking at a monopoly.

For service centers, if they do go through the latest program with Apple you have to order parts one by one, and service time is extremely long.

With all of these issues, repairs have become more expensive and many consumers are stuck with replacement parts from third parties that are not genuine parts to fit their devices.

A screen repair from Apple that is out of warranty can cost as high as $429 for the iPhone 11 Pro Max. For many students, these prices are extremely high, and the premium price for a genuine part from Apple may not be within reach.

According to Statistics Canada, 73 percent of students working a part-time job reported doing so to afford their education. External expenses such as textbooks, electronics, food, and rent can make these added costs for a phone repair unreasonable. Plus, there is always a chance of a loss of data that can occur.

There is also a risk involved in the repair of devices in general.  The chance of damage occurring is extremely, extremely low.


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